UK European calling + 10GB/50GB ($99/$178) data card
Network Provider: 3UK
Network coverage (including but not limited to): UK and 27 EU countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland.
Full list of destinations covered:
Traffic policy: 10GB/50GB (up to 12GB for roaming outside the UK) after shutdown APN:
Check the remaining data and SIM CARD phone number:
Expiry date: 30 days
The phone number is a UK local number
Inquiry phone number method:
IOS: Check the iPhone phone number through the "Phone" function in the settings
Android: Query Android phone number through SIM CARD management in settings
Call duration and number of text messages: Unlimited (including calls from the UK to the UK, any incoming calls should be answered, calls from countries within the European coverage area to the UK, calls/answers from countries within the European coverage area, and calls from countries outside Europe to the UK 43,200 minutes and 43,200 text messages)
The information is subject to the latest official announcement of 3UK. If you have any inquiries, you can directly contact 3UK 24-hour customer service or go to any local 3UK store in the UK with your SIM CARD.