Service Terms & Conditions

In order to place an order with our company, you must read and agree to the terms and conditions below. It is your responsibility to read and understand the terms and conditions completely and thoroughly, so please do not hesitate to contact us, if you have any questions. Uroaming and you (the "Customer") hereby agree to the following terms and conditions ("Terms and Conditions") with respect to the product and service offering by Uroaming to the Customer of the wireless communication device and peripheral equipment (the "Equipment"), including, but not limited to, wireless devices, SIM cards, data cards, mobile hotspots, user guides, chargers, adapters, and related or additional services (the "Services") which are described herein or included in any agreement between Customer and Uroaming for products and/or services ("Agreement").
1. Personal Data Protection guidelines
In view of the purpose of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, the Company will comply with the obligations and requirements of the Ordinance, proper handling and management of personal data of the user, on its Internet equipment service sales, promotion, registration, collection and management, and may not be used for purposes other than the above purpose.
2. Eligibility to rent equipment
While our Equipment may be used by travelers of any age, we can only rent to adults who are at least 18 years of age, and are fully able and competent to enter into the terms, conditions, obligations, affirmations, representations, and warranties set forth in this Rental Agreement, and to abide by and comply with the terms set forth herein.
3. Applications and Contract Establishment (including rules of order cancellation) 
A.  Once the User (or an agent designated by the Company) completes the company application form, it directly applies to the Company (Internet applicants, online application data is sent directly to the Company). Rental of Internet access equipment, lines and service provider designated by the Company (pre-set), specified in the equipment lent, cannot be changed
B. Once the User completes the application in accordance with the formalities required by the Company and through the acceptance of the Company (or an agent designated by the company) agreed to the application. The contract would then be established once the payment as requested after order confirmation is paid in full.
C. To confirm the availability of your reserved WiFI devices, total rental & deposit payment should be made at least 5 working days before your departure.
D.  If the contract is to receive deposits or require credit card guarantee. Then the deposits will be returned upon our receipt of the rented Equipment following your
designated return date, deducting any service or damage charges or late fees, which are applied to the balance.
E. If the Company as a result of the lack of inventory or other matters in accordance with the terms of the contract fails to provide services, the Company shall refund the received rent and full deposit returned to the User, but it will not make any additional compensation.
F. The order will be held until 10p.m. on the next day of the pick up date. After that, if you are unable to pick up the device, the order will be considered breaching agreement, then the device you book is no longer valid, and rental fees won't be refunded.
    Order cancellation:  it should be made at least a day in advance, which can contact our customer service to do this, and all rental fee could be refunded; the order can not be canceled on the day of pick up date or after the day, because it will be considered breaching agreement, and all rental fee won’t be refunded.
    Please note: likewise, the order could not be cancelled on the pick up day in that will be considered breaching agreement, if customers request to cancel it for customer's reasons,such as forgetting/unable to collect the device on the day.
4.The instructions of collection/return time of goods, deposit payment, rules/the fees of extension and the late return, and off-site return
A. The user is allowed to collect WiFi device one day before departure at our service centres or to collect at the airport on the departure date.
 The preferential policy of red-eye flight (the policy is valid for a long term, subject to the company's publicity) is based on pick-up time and return time, and rental days is no less than the minimum rental period of WiFi plan
 The calculation method is as follows:
 a.Pick-up time actually is at 21:00—24:00 today, no today’s rental fee will be made, and then the next day of today should be chosen as pick up date in your order; the rental fee of walk-in orders should be adjusted to charge according to the   policy;
 b.Order’s rental days shall not be less than the minimum rental period of WiFi plan;
 c.Return time actually is at 00:00—06:00 today, then today’s rental fee won’t be incurred. (yesterday should be selected as return date in your order)
  Notes:  1) Relevant WiFi plans about China mainland, Hong Kong and Macau are excluded;
             2) The policy is not based on the departure rime of the aircraft;
             3) Uroaming has the final interpretation of this policy.
    For example, you need to pick up your WiFi for Japan at 10 p.m. on the 18th(departure at 00:05 on the 19th), and arrival time is at 02:00 on the 25th, so rental period of your order is 19th to 24th, 6 days in total (the minimum rental period of WiFi plans for Japan is 3 days). Well, actually you can pick up it after 9 p.m. on the 18th, and return it before 6 a.m. on the 25th.
B.The rules of deposit payment 
    The deposit, HK$500/device, is paid at our counter. There are three ways to pay it from May 15, 2019:
(Notes: the deposit will be revoked accordingly if there is no problem with the device and you return on time. The deposit will be deducted if the egg was lost; some parts are damaged or lost, or  the corresponding fees will be charged according to the related term. Further information on these can be accessed to “TERMS AND CONDITIONS” of our website.)
1) Deposit HK$500/device of cash payment will be refunded at our counter when you return on time.
2) Deposit HK$500/device paid by debit card will be refunded within 10-15 working days after returning the device;
3) Deposit is paid by credit card ( just hold the limit $500/device by pre-authorization), the limit will be released in 45 days after returning it. (Please attention: your credit card must be fully deducted once your late return fee is beyond your deposit $500/device, which won’t actively inform you. )
C.Return in advance: the rest rental fee won’t be refunded even if you return in advance.
D.Overdue rules and fees:
The rental device should be returned within the time limit on the application form at our airport counter. If the user failed to return the device at the proposed date as originally specified in the contract or extend the return date successfully, then the user would be liable and charged for fees equivalent to an original price of rent for each day of delay. The late return fee for each device will be charged at an original price form the second day of your return date to the day our counter staff receive your device in our system. The original price of each WiFi product is different, please refer to the original price of the product on the website. (the original price at our counter shall be prevail).
Note: Your credit card must be fully deducted once your late return fee is beyond your deposit $500/device, which won’t actively inform you.
E.The rules and fees for extension to your return date
You can contact our customer service to extend your return date on the your return day or before the day if you want to continue using the machine or are unable to return on time due to special circumstances. The fee of corresponding product is charged at the walk-in price of airport counter.
F.The rules and fees for off-site return are adjusted as follows from May 15, 2019:
1)The equipment leased by the customer is picked up at our HK airport counter, then it can be returned at the same place (There is one place to be returned in HK.), and also returned at any Uroaming branches in Mainland China, which no commission charges will be made;
2)The equipment leased by the customer is collected at any Uroaming branches in Mainland China, which is only returned at Uroaming counters in Mainland China; if you return it at HK airport counter accidentally, the customs fee of the device for transferring to mainland from HK, HK$100/device, will be charged by our airport counter staff in  HK, which support for credit card (VISA, Master)/cash payment.
5. Rental period
The minimum rental period is 3 days. The rental fee is calculated from the date of departure to the date of return.
6. Internet Data Service Restrictions
A. WIFI internet data service may, in accordance with the company to provide internet data services within the country or region.
B. Use of Wireless Internet data services cannot, do not allow the conduct of online game, live streaming and voice calls (except VoIP voice calls over WiFi network). If the User uses communications equipment provided by the Company to make Voice Call and incur any fees, the user is required to bear all call costs, responsibility and all administrative fines compensation to the Company.
C. Restricted by Fair Usage Policy for telecommunications service providers in different countries. When the fair usage is reached the connection speed will be slowed down by local carrier. Company shall not refund any rental fee in the event of connection issues resulting from excessive data usage. Examples of excessive usage may include prolonged video streaming, multiple users connecting and downloading large files over an extended period. Uroaming shall not refund any rental fee in the event of connection issues resulting from excessive data usage.
7. Ownership of equipment
By using this service, you agree and acknowledge you are renting Equipment for travel purposes only, and that you will acquire no rights in the Equipment. You agree that the company will retain all ownership of the Equipment, including but not limited to user guides and accessories.
8. Disclaimer
A.  Smartphone and other communications equipment often access internet using data service which could incur roaming charges with your network. Before using the company wireless device, be sure to turn off (stop) your use of the mobile phone roaming (Data Roaming) and use the phone WI-FI capabilities to connect the Internet equipment for data communication. Whether the User well-intentioned or malicious, where roaming capabilities is not turn off so that your equipment is directly
connected to the 3G network, your use of the internet data will be charged roaming charges overseas. Please note that in this circumstance, the Company takes no
responsibility for the fees incurred.
B. In case of Equipment failure, and the User fails to notify the Company during the service period, then the Company will takes no responsibility and the user would still be obliged to pay the rental fee. And the Company takes no responsibility to make compensation for the User.
C. The service performance will be affected by tunnels, subways, rural areas or distant islands. The Company will takes no responsibility and the user would still be obliged to pay the rental fee.
D.  If the user suffer an accident or damage due to the use of communication equipment then whatever the reason, the Company shall not be responsible to the User.
E. The Company will not be responsible for the failure to access the internet using the company device, as a result of the user’s smartphone error and/or settings which failed to provide Internet services.
F. The company takes no responsibility if the user through inappropriate, careless use or misplaced the Internet devices leading to short-circuit or fire, which causes any casualties and losses to the user as a result, the Company advises the user to pay attention and use the device with care.
9. Company Equipment Management, Loss, Damages and Theft
A.  User shall comply with the appropriate usage of equipment’s as suggested by the Company, take responsibility and treat the rented equipment as if it’s their own and
in their best effort to take care and return the Companies equipment in a state which shouldn’t be worse then prior to the Users rental.
B.In case of internet equipment being lost, damaged or in circumstances of theft, the user should immediately notify the Company. In addition, in the event of any of the above, illegal use of the internet and communication cost, the User would be
liable to paid for any damages incurred to the Company.
C. In case of equipment loss, damage or theft, the User shall be liable to pay compensation to the company based on the following:
Compensation Amount (HKD)
- Fullset including pocket WiFi,Battery,Adaptor and others                      HKD500
- Pocket WiFi                                                                                      HKD500
- Card Replacement Fee/screen/case                                                    HKD200
- External Battery                                                                                HKD100
- Bag                                                                                                  HKD20
- Adaptor                                                                                             HKD20
- USB Cable                                                                                          HKD10
- Button (Macarons only)                                                                        HKD30
- Late Return Fee                                                  Original daily rental fee per day
The above fines are subject to change at any time with prior notice given to the user. The company has the rights to deduct the compensation from the deposit in cases but not limited to cases of equipment loss, damage, theft and late return.
10.  Miscellaneous
We reserve the right to discontinue our rental services or terminate and/or amend this Rental Agreement at any time at our sole discretion. Expiration or termination of this Rental Agreement will not relieve you of any payment obligations hereunder.
11.  Prohibitions
A.  The User shall not be installed in the Internet devices other mechanical or accessories, and shall not engage in transformation, decomposition, damage, change the setting, or other changes to the Company equipment which would result in the malfunctioning of the equipment.
B. The User shall not engage in communications equipment sublease, transfer and pledge in the third person which results in the damage against the Companies ownership.
C. The User shall not use the company's Internet device for any irregularities or illegal acts.
12.  Contact Us
If you have any queries or problems, please feel free to contact us via  (852) 5420 0284 or (+852) 2588 5888 (Monday-Sunday 7:00-23:00) , WhatsApp ID: +852 5420 0284, Wechat ID: uroaminghk, or 24 Hours Chinese Customer Service at +86 4006-5050-11 or Wechat ID: U-roaming (Chinese)
These Terms and Conditions may be changed or amended by Uroaming (Hong Kong) at any time by notifying the Customer of such changes either by a note on the
website, or by any other reasonable means.
Should there be any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of these Terms and Conditions, the Chinese version shall apply and prevail.